
Click on thumbnails to display larger images and additional information.

Swift Fox Cub with Snake
Swift Fox Pups
Playing Swift Fox Cubs
Nursing Swift Fox
Swift Fox Mother and Pup
Swift Fox with Cub
Mountain Goat Kid
Mountain Goat Kids
American Bison Calf
American Bison Cow and Calf
Elk Calf Running Excitedly
Fearful Moose Calf
Moose Calf
Mule Deer Fawn in August
Mule Deer Fawns
Young American Coot
American Coot Feeding Young
Spotted Sandpiper Chick
Juvenile Willets
Female Downy Woodpecker Feeding Young
Mallard Duckling
Mother Mallard and Ducklings
Duckling (Gadwall or Mallard)
Female Ruddy Duck With Ducklings
Wood Ducklings
Western Grebe with Young
Western Grebe Mother with Chicks
Western Grebe Family
Baby American Robin Contemplating Flight
American Robin Feeding Its Young
American Robin Feeding Nestlings
Mother Bullock's Oriole Feeding Young
Mother Oriole Feeding Babies
Blue Jay Fledgling
Great-horned Owl Fledgling
Adult White-crowned Sparrow Feeding Young
Pied-billed Grebe Juvenile
Fledgeling Black-crowned Night-Heron

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